Speed Your PC in 2 Minutes. Make your computer run like new. In fact, make it run better than new when PC SpeedBoost works with Windows to improve pc performance, startup time, and browsing speed. Fix the kinds of problems that cause screen freeze, computer crash, and the Blue Screen of Death. Boost Software INC, the maker of PC SpeedBoost, is a Microsoft Partner certified with a Gold Application Development rating.
PC SpeedBoost removes junk files, cleans up and fixes your registry, cleans up duplicate files, and removes errors from your computer. Many people notice a big difference in computer speed the first time they use the program. Then, they use it to keep their computer running smooth.
PC SpeedBoost usually takes 2 minutes to finish its job. That's less time than it takes to talk to tech support over the phone, and much less time than it takes to have a PC technician look at your computer.
Make your computer run faster and safer now!